Sunday, January 9, 2011

Twits and their #AwesomeHandles 4.0

As is the law of nature, everything evolves. We evolved from monkeys – although some would contest that a few of us haven’t quite evolved all the way.

Regardless, as everything around us evolves, so must #AwesomeHandles.

Not so much in the handles themselves, but in the way I blog them.

It’s interesting. I was going through titles of my archived MS word copies of #AwesomeHandles editions (OCD? Yes.), and saw that I didn’t quite foresee this becoming a regular feature at the time. At least not in terms of the blog titles. The first one should’ve had some kinda “first” or “numero uno” kinda annotation or something of the sort. But it doesn’t. It’s very simply called: Twits and their #AwesomeHandles.

I did become a tad more, umm, shall we say perceptive? Yeah, I like that. It’s a 50 dollar word, at least.

So yeah, the next couple of rounds saw me being a bit more perceptive (*grin*) and titling them ‘Twits and their #AwesomeHandles – Second Edition’ and ‘Twits and their #AwesomeHandles – Third Edition’.

When I was formatting and reformatting my excel document with the fourth and fifth editions (yep, 14 handles down, 36 more to go for the next blog!) while I simultaneously updated the ‘Master List’ (one that has all #AwesomeHandles so far, arranged alphabetically), I said to myself, nah…this isn’t working.

What sounds more…what’s the word I’m looking for – futuristic! – what sounds more futuristic than just numbering out the editions? And that’s when I came up with this point-oh system.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present you with Twits and their #AwesomeHandles 4.0!

  1. @69fubar
  2. @acp_pradyuMAN
  3. @almostbutnotyet
  4. @arauser
  5. @asli_alsi
  7. @BitchPlease
  8. @BwahahaO_o
  9. @chulbul_pandi
  10. @churumuri
  11. @ConfuseusSay
  12. @Crotchingtiger
  13. @CrudeInterlude
  14. @hallucinations
  15. @HamraBihar
  16. @HotnessGodness
  17. @HotTottie
  18. @ijusthadsex
  19. @imfucked
  20. @imspidermonkey
  21. @JadoPado
  22. @jesus
  23. @jun6lee
  24. @little_chuckle
  25. @lovethewayulie
  26. @McDarkTwisty
  27. @NameFieldEmpty
  28. @offstumped
  29. @omg
  30. @pAaTsHaLa
  32. @powerpointgirl
  33. @probablytrippy
  34. @reincarnated_er
  35. @SantaComes2Town
  36. @Stark_Mad
  37. @tallikya
  38. @TheAngrezJailer
  39. @theevilp
  40. @TheVoiceOfNeo
  41. @TimbaLiyah
  42. @UberDoucher
  43. @unfairandlovely
  44. @unnamedentity
  45. @urbanturbanguy
  46. @UsmileIsmile
  47. @veryvitriolic
  48. @WhatTheFuck
  49. @yeayeaiknow
  50. @ZingXongVong

There it is - the first point-oh edition of #AwesomeHandles.

Like I said, 36 more to go for Twits and their #AwesomeHandles 5.0 to be blogged!

Think you have an #AwesomHandle or know of someone else who does? Drop in a comment below of send me a tweet (@silv3rglee) and I’ll put your recommendations on the next blog!



JD said...

@little_chuckle says danke for including my handle in the list! :)

Rock on \m/

Tannika said...

weehee... thankee!
loads of love ;)
- @McDarkTwisty

Unknown said...

Whoa! This is dollops of generous on my plate! Thank you :)
- @ConfuseusSay

UrbanTurbanGuy said...

Just did a 2 minute Victory-Bhangra for my 15 seconds of fame.

Back to work now.

Anonymous said...

imspidermonkey is greatful that her handle is included in the prestegious list!
Seriously not monkeying around. :)