A regular Sunday it was. Wait, maybe it was Monday. No, it couldn’t have been a Monday, I have too many meeting lined up on Mondays. Tuesday. That’s it – it was the Middle Eastern ‘hump day’. The hardest day of the week to get by, they say. Although...hmmm…personally, I always think Wednesdays are the hardest. One day before the last day of the week and you’re not quite sure how to feel. Yeah, you’re kinda getting excited about the weekend, but then, you don’t really wanna over-do it and kill the Thursday-buzz, but then you don’t wanna sulk cuz you’re almost done with the week. Yeah, Wednesday. It had to be a Wednesday. Or…was is a slow Thursday…?
Moving on (finally!) – on a particular day of the working week a couple of months ago, I parked at 7.30, sat at my desk at 7.45, switched on my laptop and waited for it to load. Ten minute later I had Lotus Notes, Facebook, Gmail and Gtalk open on my laptop. Not to mention my lifeline – Tweetdeck.
In case you’re wondering, yes, I’m one of those social-media-enthusiast-thingamajig-people.
As the day progressed with GM’s and #earlyriser tweets, traffic updates, news, random tweets and retweets, I couldn’t help but notice that a few RT’s stood out. Not so much for the tweets themselves but for the handles that were tweeting the tweets. Walkin’ the walk. Talkin’ the talk. LIvin’ the life. Runnin’ the lap.
Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. :S
Anywho…as I was saying, there were a few handles that stood out and made me take notice. Not to say that I hadn’t noticed some insanely creative handles before, but sometimes things just hit you like a bold of lightening. This was one of those moments.
I forget if it was @bitchwanti, @ChamatkariBaba, @BollywoodGandu or @gabbbarsingh that triggered this ‘concept’ for a blog post. It could’ve been any one of them, or any one of the other 150 handles. Can’t really be sure. Point is, I got thinking about these crazy handles that I was coming across on a daily basis.
How many more of these are out there? What levels of creativity have people gone to?
And that’s when the hashtag was created – #AwesomeHandles. I’m not saying it got too popular, but I’m not saying it didn’t. Some extremely awesome and fantabulous tweeps fed me with numerous suggestions for #AwesomeHandles and that’s how the list went from 15 to 150 in a matter of a few days!
Big shout out going out to @ParulBh, @md610 and @prempiyush for their crazy help and constant suggestions for #AwesomeHandles!
Parul, for having sent over 50 of them in one day alone, and Prem and MD for constantly feeding me with their recommendations (even when I was on vacation!). Prem offered to be my 'assistant' at one point of time to help me get this blog out there. It's finally done, mate! :o)
And a special shout out to @musingsman who actually changed his old handle to this one just so he could be featured on the list. You made it, man! :o)
I’m hoping this blog post will be followed up with another one (or multiple blog posts) as and when my list grows. And I have a strong feeling that it will. :o)
Now, initially I’d written down meanings against as many of these handles as I could, but then I realized that most of them are far beyond explanations. You have to enjoy these for the sheer brilliance and creativity behind them.
And just FYI, I’m @silv3rglee - :o)
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present to you the first set of #AwesomeHandles:
- @_OutofOrder_
- @0__1
- @AamAdmy
- @abhi_nahi
- @absurd
- @Accha_Baccha
- @agyaani
- @albelinaar
- @AliceInDumyland
- @amreekandesi
- @Anusual
- @arabicaah
- @arbitthoughts
- @aslipatrakaar
- @baavri
- @bagoffortune
- @BakwasBandKar
- @bejafry
- @Bell_Bajao
- @Bew_D
- @bhalomanush
- @Bheja_Fried
- @bitchwanti
- @BlinkySprite
- @BollywoodGandu
- @boozychef
- @boy_inthe_box
- @brainstuck
- @ButterHotShoes
- @bythebai
- @caramelcheeks
- @ChamatkariBaba
- @cho_chweet
- @chorbazari
- @cookiemonster82
- @cow_herd
- @cracked
- @CruciFire
- @DaddyBird
- @DedhShaani
- @deementiaa
- @delhidreams
- @desihitler
- @DevilOnBunk
- @dhartiparbojh
- @dhinkchak
- @DingDongMong
- @dram_e_baaz
- @ekthappadmaaru
- @EnigmaticDosa
- @fangpyre
- @feedkoko
- @fibonaccifreak
- @flyfiddlesticks
- @flyyoufools
- @fossiloflife
- @gabbbarsingh
- @Gambl3R
- @GeekyInaneTwit
- @geekykarma
- @GiggleFlower
- @GoIdDustWoman
- @Gulabo_Massi
- @haramkhorBaccha
- @Idefinecrazy
- @iemofreak
- @InstantMusings
- @itsCreation
- @ivfwaladoctor
- @jarofjuice
- @jibberjabbajude
- @justMouse
- @Kaala_Bander
- @KarmicThoughts
- @laaajo
- @lafannga
- @Letzliveagain
- @likethatonly
- @LimeIce
- @LiveHeartDie
- @lokarlotweet
- @lost_soul_
- @madFrogg
- @madversity
- @malgudiman
- @ManIndigo
- @MarkWalaTeja
- @mentalexotica
- @MeraAfsana
- @metallicsmile
- @metalsaint
- @morfinrider
- @mostlyharmless
- @musingsman
- @mycrotchetyluv
- @MystiqueWanderr
- @nautanki
- @NomadWanderer
- @nonstopthinker
- @normaltusker
- @numbminded
- @oneblackcoffee
- @OyeBehenDeTakke
- @Pagal_Ladki
- @panchhi_bawara
- @perniciously
- @Pissed0ffPari
- @pitusultan
- @plasmadog
- @pleasefindthis
- @poeticgooner
- @poojars
- @PurpleNaNo
- @qwiky
- @RangeenPanda
- @Roflindian
- @SaaliKhushi
- @Sacredinsanity
- @Sala_jamesbond
- @satanictweets
- @schmmuck
- @semi_conscious
- @SickPuppyDawg
- @softykid
- @spymaami
- @stupidusmaximus
- @suddentwilight
- @taklooman
- @Tau_ke_bole
- @terimaaki__
- @The_HappyNoodle
- @the0ddball
- @TheBusyBrain
- @thecoffeenazi
- @TheHumerus
- @TheOmRudra
- @Thewastebin
- @trailblazr
- @twilightfairy
- @twitballiye
- @twittafart
- @twittardaputtar
- @UpjauDimaag
- @virtualgoddess
- @VisH2So4
- @vodkaholic
- @whatdbeep
- @whitecrayon
- @whizkidd
- @whygrow_up
- @WickedNoize
- @wittophile
- @wraith_ness
- @yearning4d_sky
- @yummit
- @zararock